céramique et bois
from clay and wood with time to objects

beautiful objects with meaning
remarquable handwork

I fabricate handmade objects in ceramic and wood. To combine both materials is one of my aims and distinguishing marks. Thereby my objects acquire unique designs. I take advantage of the material properties of clay and wood, as well as singularities of pieces of wood, to achieve special charm. My handcraft underlines the intrinc beauty of materials.
I pay a special attention to design these valuable objects as usable objects for many of them, but as artistic objects.
Each object is unique in its artisanal manufacture.
Also I fabricate these objects on your orders after setting with you shape, size, fonction and quantity. Just contact me!
During the artisanal work I minimise the use of energy and materials. So much as possible, I use sustainable materials.
Limited series: up to 50 items